Why Learn About Childbirth?

“I’m not a doctor? Why should I learn about childbirth?”

Many in our culture wonder about this exact thing. With all of the medical advancements, isn’t it best to just go with what our providers say and not ask questions?

My question to you is, why learn anything?

Why do we learn to eat and walk? Why learn how to cook, clean or do your laundry? Why bother learning to read and how to do math? Why learn how to ride a bike or drive a car?

Practically we learn these things to survive and hopefully thrive. But more than that we learn these things to do what God created us to do and that is to live to bring Him glory.

God created us to be learners as well as childbearers and life givers. He designed us to learn more about this world He created and I believe God desires for us to learn what we can about those things He has given to us. If you are a woman then it brings God glory for you to learn about childbearing. What a blessing to learn about this amazing miracle!

So why learn about childbirth?

Learning is a gift!

We are blessed in our culture to be able to learn about the process of pregnancy and birth as well as have choices and options available to us. Many around the world do not have access to this kind of information nor do they have choices. But we do! What a joy and privilege to know about childbirth to the best of our abilities and prepare for it!

Learning helps us know what to expect!

Though we can never know everything there is to know about pregnancy and birth, we can learn what is normal and what is not so we can best respond. For example, if you’re having mild pains and aches and know this is normal you know to rest and not worry. When you know that excruciating pain is not normal, you can call our doctor and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Learning helps us to thrive!

When we know generally what to expect, what is normal, we can be at peace when things come up in the day to day. When we learn what is helpful in pregnancy and what is harmful we’re able to make wise decisions. When we know our options and what is available to us we can plan to the best of our ability. And all of this helps us to have the best pregnancies, births and transitions to motherhood possible, which allows us to thrive during this season!

A slight word of warning. I do believe it is important to know generally what can go wrong and signs of it, because it’s important to know if you have warning signs of a problem and know how to respond. But don’t go and completely terrify yourself. Stay away from people who push horror stories. Education is for edifying, not tearing down!

So now it’s time to learn!

Do you know what is considered normal and what is not? Do you know what an epidural is and how it is done? Do you know why a c-section might be medically necessary? Do you know what your birthing options are? Do you know how to ask questions?

These are just a few of the many things to learn about with regard to birth. Again, you cannot know everything, but I believe God is glorified when we seek to know more about His design and how to step into this beautiful miracle.

Where do you want to begin learning?

Share in the comments areas of pregnancy, childbirth and transition to motherhood you would like to know more about!

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