Why Share Your Birth Story?

Societies and cultures are built on stories.


Because everyone loves a good story. The more epic the better!

Think about it. What’s your favorite story?

A nice classic like Pride and Prejudice?

Maybe a Disney classic like Beauty and the Beast?

Perhaps you’re an adventure buff with something more modern such as Harry Potter or The Avengers?

Or are you a fan of the Eclipse Saga?

For you it may be something else entirely, but at the end of the day we all have a story we love, right?

But why do we love it?

We love it because it connects us to others and it speaks to us. It reminds us that we are not alone and there is something bigger out there.

Unfortunately, when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth our stories frequently divide us.


Because Satan does whatever he can to divide us! Especially the people of God.

So what happens?

We do our research, have our experiences and we become experts who take our stances and dare anyone to challenge us. We think we have it all figured out.

I’ve been there! If you’re human, you likely have too.

So then, why share our stories?

Because God calls us beyond the petty differences of opinion to a life that embraces the differences in our stories.

Our stories remind us that we are not our own, but belong to God. Our stories tell a bigger story. Our stories together show the vast array of possibilities in life. Our stories tell each other that we are not alone.

We share because we do not know what God is going to do with our stories in someone else’s life. We share because we have a responsibility to tell other Sisters what we have learned and encourage them to embrace their story. We share because life is one big story: God’s story.

We need all kinds of stories, both easy or “normal” and difficult or scary, because all are a part of this life. But no matter what your story, please use them to encourage, not to scare. God tells us to love our neighbor and causing unnecessary fear in another is not loving. We can share scary experiences from a place of love and sharing what God did in those experiences. There is a difference in being aware that things can go wrong and being told they will.

Why do I say all of this? Because we need to hear your story! Saturday at Childbirth Conversation is birth story day. Each Saturday I will be sharing someone’s story and I would love to share yours!

Together we can break down the divide. Let’s bring our stories together!

Email me at Emmie@childbirthconversations.com for more information or to submit a story.

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